Facebook to show you faster loading webpages

Facebook has been incorporating fixes and features by listening to their audience. To show what they are up to next, Facebook is helping improve their experience of News Feed.
The social media giant knows that it’s frustrating to click on a link that leads to a slow-loading webpage. In fact it is often found that people have to wait for a site to load for too long, and end up abandoning what they were clicking on all together. As many as 40% of website visitors abandon a site after three seconds of delay.
Facebook is making an update to its News Feed to show people more stories that will load quickly on mobile and fewer stories that might take longer to load, so they can spend more time reading the stories they find relevant.
With this new update, Facebook will soon take into account the estimated load time of a webpage that someone clicks to from any link in News Feed on the mobile app. Factors such as the person’s current network connection and the general speed of the corresponding webpage will be considered. If signals indicate the webpage will load quickly, the link to that webpage might appear higher in your feed.