RIE CEE 2018 Results to be declared shortly on this website

New Delhi: The RIE CEE 2018 Results will be declared shortly. The results once declared will be available on the official website. The results are expected on July 4 2018. CEE-2018 B.Sc. B.Ed., B.A. B.Ed., and M.Sc. Ed. Results will be announced shortly,' read a notice on the official website. Candidates must keep a close tab on the official website mentioned above and check their result as it is released by RIE Mysuru.
NCERT had organized the RIE Common Entrance Exam (CEE) 2018 last month on 10th June 2018 for candidates seeking admissions to B.Sc. B.Ed. (Four Year Integrated), B.A. B.Ed. (Four Year Integrated), M.Sc.Ed. (Six Year Integrated), B.Ed. (Two Year), M.Ed. (Two Year) and B.Ed-M.Ed. (Three Year integrated) programmes at the Regional Institutes of Education (RIEs) located at Ajmer, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Mysuru, and Shillong as well as at the Prarambh School for Teacher Education Jhajjar, Haryana. Applicants must also upload their qualifying marks by logging in their candidate profile as 60% weightage is given to the marks scored in the CEE entrance exam while 40% weightage is given to the marks scored in the qualifying exam. Once the CEE 2018 ranks are generated, the selected candidates will go through the counseling process to get admissions in their choice of RIE based on the merit list. The results once declared will be available on ncert-cee.kar.nic.in.