Here’s you should know why, Yoga should be part of your beauty routine

18 Jun 2018 11:15 AM | General
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Turns out, people don’t need to opt for beauty treatments to lift their mood, or boost their self-esteem. Yoga can also do the trick. If you are aspiring for supple and glowing skin, the solution may actually be a selection of yoga poses and exercises, says beauty expert Shahnaz Hussain.

Regular yoga practice, pranayama, and meditation can help to reverse the signs of ageing, including wrinkles, saggy skin, crow’s feet, and fine lines. Those who regularly practice yoga have a glow and look more youthful. “Good health and beauty are two sides of the same coin. Unless you are healthy from the inside, you cannot reflect true beauty. For flawless skin, shiny hair and a slim figure, good health must be on top of your list”, says Hussain. Yoga involves breath control and specifies the inhalation and exhalation of breath during the exercises. “Thus, it helps oxygenation. It imparts a feeling of physical and mental exhilaration. This is important for beauty, because feeling good is an integral part of looking good,” says Hussain.

Yoga also improves blood circulation, including the circulation of blood to the skin surface. This is important for good health of the skin, as it helps to supply essential nutrients to the skin. It also promotes the removal of toxins through the skin, which can help to prevent skin congestion. The same goes for hair. Yoga helps to promote blood circulation and oxygenation to the scalp and hair follicles. This helps to supply nutrients in the blood stream to the hair follicles. “It promotes hair growth and keeps the scalp healthy,” says Hussain. Certain beauty problems can be triggered by stress. Since yoga helps to induce relaxation and reduce stress, it helps in dealing with stress-related conditions like acne, hair loss and dandruff as well.

Courtesy: Hindustantimes
