Here are 5 tips from specialist, to control vomiting during pregnancy

06 Jun 2018 12:40 PM | General
448 Report

Nausea or morning sickness is one of the most dreaded pregnancy symptoms, and it is something that almost every pregnant woman has to go through, at least for the first three months.

“Up to 70% of expectant mothers experience nausea at some point during early pregnancy. Not only is it known to be one of the early signs of pregnancy, but it is a symptom that is common throughout the first trimester, and sometimes even longer,” says Dr Kiran Coelho, consultant gynaecology & obstetrics, Hinduja Healthcare Surgical. In many women a certain smell or taste can trigger these episodes. And it gets worse on an empty stomach. “Morning sickness happens due to changes in the hormone called beta HCG. This hormone plateaus at 12 weeks,” says Dr Vandana Gawdi, consultant, gynaecology, Apollo Hospitals, Navi Mumbai.

Here’s how you can control vomiting during pregnancy
*Eat light: “We advise pregnant women to eat something light every hour or two,” says Dr Gawdi.
*Home remedies: Women can also try home remedies such as chewing on mint and ginger. “You can even dehydrate ginger along with a little salt and pop it in your mouth every few hours. You can even try honey, cardamom, cloves for instant relief,” she adds. You can even try sucking on some candy.
*Avoid triggers: If you’ve figured that certain smells and tastes trigger nausea, it is best to avoid it.
*Consult your doctor: If the nausea is too much to handle you can consult your doctor. “Having too much iron may cause nausea, and switching to a different vitamin could help,” says Dr Coelho adding, “ Also ask you your healthcare provider about taking a vitamin B-6 supplement, which has proven to help reduce nausea and vomiting.”
*Keep room well ventilated: “Have a fan close by, this will make breathing easier. If that’s not possible, take walks outdoors,” she adds.

Courtesy: Hindustantimes
