World Malaria Day: Facts about the life-threatening disease

25 Apr 2018 5:22 PM | General
452 Report

Malaria is one of the world's life-threatening diseases. It is caused by plasmodium parasite, which is transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. However, treatment is available for the disease. While malaria is a global issue, it is a big concern in Africa, South and Central America and Southern Asia, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

In these areas it is important to take extra precaution to avoid infection.

Symptoms of the condition include:
* Fever
* Shaking
* Headaches
* Sweating
* Muscle pain
* Nausea
* Vomiting
* Blood in stools
* Convulsions
* Anaemia
* Chills
* Diarrhoea

Within hours of becoming fatal:

* Red blood cells will not be able to carry oxygen to organs. This will leave the patient weak.
* It can also lead to brain damage and cause seizures.
* Causes kidneys and liver faliure.
* Find it difficult to breathe.

Treatment: varies depending on the severity of the condition. Anti-malarials, are drugs used to treat the disease. Symptoms of the disease can reoccur for people who have recovered from malaria.

Prevention: Covering yourself with a net when sleeping, applying insect repellent are some of the ways to ward off mosquitoes. If you are traveling take anti-malarials before leaving for your destination.

Natural remedies:
* Lavender oil - Fragrance keeps mosquitoes away.
* Garlic - Odour keeps mosquitoes away.
* Basil - Contains properties that could kill mosquito larvae.
* Neem oil - Acts as an insect repellent.

Courtesy: Deccan Chronicle
