Sad but true: Woman carries husband on her back to get disability certificate

04 Apr 2018 12:45 PM | General
342 Report

Mathura: In a sad incident, a woman had to carry her disabled husband on her back to CMO's office in order to get a disability certificate. The woman, Vimala, is a resident of Mathura, UP.

As there was no wheel-chair to take him to the photo studio, Vimala carried her husband on her back and took him to the shop, as per reports. She had no alternative but to brave the scorching April sun and carry her husband on her back to hunt for a photo studio. "What am I supposed to do? This is our compulsion. We went to many different offices but still have not got the certificate," she was quoted as saying by reports. "I did not go to work because we had to come here today. I can't come another day," she added. However, Vimla also says that she did not apply for a wheel-chair. Talking to Zee Media, Uttar Pradesh Minister Bhupendra Chaudhary said that such incidents were sad for a decent society.

By-standers here too were not of much help as most chose to either stare or record the unfortunate incident on their phones. As for the local administration, the magnitude of the problem was only realised when video of Vimala carrying her husband became public. "It is a sad incident to happen in a civilised world. We will inspect the case and help accordingly," UP Minister Bhupendra Chaudhary was quoted as saying by news agency ANI. As per the recent reports, Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Mathura has now issued disability certificate to Vimala's husband.

Courtesy: oneindia
