Here's why men will live as long as women by 2032

26 Mar 2018 4:44 PM | General
390 Report

A new study has revealed by 2032, men will live as long as women, the Daily Mail reported. Within the next 15 years, life expectancy will be the same for both sexes. Now, women who marry at 30, can enjoy a marriage for almost 58 years and six months, the report revealed.

The primary reason for this is because of smoking. The levels of smoking between the sexes contribute to 100,000 deaths a year in the UK. Data reveals men are quitting the habit much quicker than women. “This will be the first time that men will achieve parity with women since records began in 1841," Professor Les Mayhew, a statistics expert at Cass Business School, who conducted the research for the report Inequalities Matter, told the Daily Mail. In the report, Baroness Greengross, chief executive of the International Longevity Centre UK said: "This is excellent news, but choose your partner wisely because you will be together for a very long time." Adding, "There is no law of nature that says women must outlive men and this shows what happens when men look after themselves." However, people cannot rely solely on the improvements made in public healthto gain extra years, the study warns. Instead, they need to make better health choices and lifestyle changes.


Courtesy: Deccan Chronicle
