Want to age slowly and live a longer life....Here is the tips

14 Mar 2018 10:48 AM | General
560 Report

Aging is a natural process. But there are ways to keep you looking and feeling young. The best news is that many of these tips and tricks can be done naturally, by simply making small changes in your day-to-day life: From introducing antioxidant-rich foods in your diet to avoid sugar and increasing intake of Vitamin C.

If you’re ready to slow down the clock, follow these easy tips for staying young inside and out. “There are a couple of things, one is food for sure. What you eat is what you show on the outside. The second is what and how you think... if you are more positive, if you are happier then your skin and your cells are happy and you don’t age as fast as you would if you were unhappy or stressed,” Neha Ranglani said on behalf of Sony BBC Earth’s show How to Stay Young. “The third is sleep, which is super important. These three things determine your youthfulness,” added the nutritionist and wellness expert.

VLCC’s wellness expert Anju Ghei said the food one eats has direct impact on physical, mental, and emotional health. “A well-balanced diet can provide all the nutrition you need to fuel your daily activities. The total daily calorie intake should take into account the level of daily physical activity,” Ghei said. Ranglani said “fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains to a small extent and pulses are extremely healthy”. “The more natural and less processed you eat, the slower you age because then you’re giving your body the nutrients, vitamins, the anti-oxidants which help to form the collagen and maintain the elasticity of your skin. “That way, your cells break down and repair faster rather than just breaking down and not repairing because of the unhealthy food,” she added.

Courtesy: Hindustantimes
