Here’s how instagram make you fat by posting your food photos

08 Mar 2018 11:57 AM | General
452 Report

Would you believe it if we told you that your Instagram-worthy food pictures are actually making you fat? Health influencers are increasingly putting emphasis on the impact of trends like #foodporn. We know that a vanilla portion of smoothie bowl won’t get as many likes as a dressed-up version with sliced bananas, strawberries, peanut butter on top.

Similarly, a stack of pancakes looks more appetising on Instagram than just a single portion. It’s easy to forget that adding all those elements and finishing touches actually takes up the calorie count too. Recently, Denver-based health blogger Chi, who goes by the Insta handle @FIT_PHAM posted a picture to spell out the different between real portions and Insta portions. According to Amanda Meixner, a health blogger from Ohio, portion control is important when trying to lose weight and stay healthy. In a series of posts on her Instagram, Meixner is bringing to attention this scary trend of ‘eating for Instagram’.

What this means is that an Insta-worthy food shot has more calories than what is necessary for you. “The moment when people post oatmeal and they’re like ‘kept it super simple today’ and it’s like caramel chocolate, matcha toffee coffee oats with cocoa nibs, star fruit, bewitched peanut butter with bananas captured in the trees of Narnia,” Meixner wrote in her post. “In all seriousness, I’ve been guilty of this before! When you try to make your food extra pretty and overkill for the gram but really it’s way out of portion,” she added. So, don’t let Instagram fool you into eating more than you actually need to. Treat your body with respect.

Courtesy: Hindustantimes
