Kiran Bedi jumps over fence to enter hospital

After being made to wait by hospital authorities, Puducherry Lieutenant Governor (LG) Kiran Bedi decided that enough was enough. The 68 year old LG jumped over a brick fence to enter the hospital premises.Bedi jumped over the brick fence as the officials had misplaced its keys.
Bedi, the first woman to join the Indian Police Service (IPS), wanted to inspect a statue of the "Our Lady of Lourdes", which was kept in a shed encircled by the 3.5-foot-high brick fence. However, she was kept waiting as the hospital authorities had reportedly misplaced the keys to the gate of the fence. To everyone's astonishment, the LG suddenly jumped over the fence to enter the shed. Karaikal District Collector R Kesavan, Senior Superintendent of Police V J Chandran and other officials present on the occasion had no option but follow suit.
Bedi, who prefers riding a bicycle on her weekend field visits to the outlying areas of Puducherry, is on a five-day trip to Karaikal, an enclave of the union territory. On the fourth day of her visit today, the LG went to the hospital to review the facilities there and interact with the patients. She described the dirty surroundings of the hospital as a breeding ground for mosquitoes and directed the officials to clean the place immediately.