Govt. launches campaign to sensitise women about cancer

New Delhi : Union minister Anupriya Patel today launched a nationwide health campaign to sensitise women about the early screening and the preventive care for cancer.
Themed 'Nurturing the Nurturer', the campaign was launched by FICCI Ladies Organisation (FLO) in partnership with the Apollo Hospitals group.The minister of state for health said the increasing cases of cancer in women, especially breast and cervical cancers, were a "matter of concern".
Both these type of cancer account for nearly 32 per cent of all cancers. But several types of cancer have a high chance of cure if diagnosed early and treated properly.Patel said early detection and proper medication can play a key role in treatment. She urged private players and NGOs to play their role in creating awareness about preventive care.
"With cancer cases on the rise in the country, the government plans to set up 27 cancer centres in the coming days. The centres will be in addition to already functioning and upgraded in various medical colleges and districts since the government floated the scheme," she said.