5 Ways To Identify Plastic Rice, Which Has Become Viral Nowadays
The recent news of ‘plastic rice’ being offered in the hotels, multiple videos of plastic rice going viral on social media have created quite a scare. There are some simple ways you can identify plastic rice from real rice at the comfort of your home. Here’s how you can without using chemicals:
Plastic rice is made up of chemicals like phthalates that can hamper your hormonal and reproductive system. Once they enter your system there might be very little you can do to get it out of your system.
There are some simple ways you can identify plastic rice from real rice at the comfort of your home. Here’s how you can without using chemicals:
Boiling test
The simplest way is to observe the rice. If it ends up forming a thick layer at the top of your container, it’s plastic.
Water test
Drop a glass of raw rice inside a glass of water and stir it. If it surfaces it's plastic, as real rice cannot float.
Fire test
Burn a handful of rice with a lighter to see if it smells anything like burning plastic.
Fungus test
Put some of your boiled rice in a container and leave it there for 3 days. If you do not see fungus or mould in it by then it could very well be plastic.
Hot oil test
Drop some rice into a pan with extremely hot oil (at least around 200 degrees). Plastic rice will melt and form a sticky layer at the bottom.