KEA publishes UGCET second round seat allotment results

17 Jul 2017 12:51 PM | General
456 Report

Bengaluru: The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has published the UGCET second round seat allotment results.

Candidates are allowed to view the details of seat allotted as per their options priority. Candidates can also view the college wise, course-wise, category-wise cut off rank of real allotment as well as the details of unallotted seats course wise / category wise.

"Before exercising any appropriate choice for the seat allotted in the second round, candidates are informed to read the definitions of each choice carefully; understand the same; read the eligibility conditions to participate in the subsequent round, and then select the appropriate choice," informed officials.

"First round Medical / Dental allotment schedule is already notified on the KEA website. NEET-2017 qualified candidates and who are interested to participate in Medical / Dental seats are informed to select appropriate choice carefully keeping in mind their chances in Medical/ Dental seat allotment," officials informed.

Edited By

Shruthi G

Reported By

Shruthi G
