II PUC supplementary exam from tomorrow

27 Jun 2017 12:16 PM | General
411 Report

Bengaluru: II PUC supplementary examination will start on Wednesday. Around 2.51 lakh students are appearing for the examination.

According to the Pre-University Department officials, examination will be held in 303 centers across the state. The examination will conclude on July 8.

It may be recalled that in the II PUC main examination held in the month of March 2017, 3.23 lakh students had failed. Among them 2.51 lakh students are appearing for the supplementary examination.

According to the officials, valuation of answer scripts will start by July 10 and by month end results will be announced to ensure that those who clear II PUC in supplementary examination are able to join all courses without wasting a year.

Edited By

Shruthi G

Reported By

Shruthi G
